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A List Of Interesting Dissertation Topics For Architecture Students
If the deadline of your dissertation is approaching, you are probably actively searching for interesting, uncommon topics that will help you impress your teachers and go a bit out of the ordinary. Here you will find some ideas that might help you in your work:
- Oriental architecture - You can find all over the world examples of oriental architecture that can make a great topic for your dissertation. The most beautiful thing is that this kind of architecture gives you the possibility to touch a wide range of topics, as the buildings are very often connected with important historical events.
- Religious architecture - Try to build your paper around churches, mosques or temples. It is a fascinating topic and you can put in new light old buildings that are barely observed by many people. You can even make a comparison between different types of religious buildings and what is similar between their architectural styles.
- Modern architecture - Each city has some recent, eye-catching constructions. These buildings can represent an architectural journey and the perfect example of how technology is taking architecture to the next level. Search for the innovative constructions, which can be a symbol of the modern era.
- Medieval architecture - If you prefer something more classic, medieval architecture might be exactly what you need. A very interesting aspect is the way that constructions in medieval times were not only beautiful, but also serving as the main way of defense. This is a great example of how structures can serve multiple purposes, even from ancient times.
- Landscape architecture - This can give a fresh light over your work, as most of students will choose as subjects for their dissertation actual buildings. In many parts of Europe, they are paying special attention to landscape architecture as this is one of the key symbols of a cultural city.
- Gothic architecture - It is not an easy topic, but it is uncommon. Very often gothic buildings have a very interesting history in the back. Besides, most of castles and cathedrals in Europe belong to gothic architecture and they can be representative of this style.
- The National Romantic architecture - It is a style that developed within the borders of Scandinavian countries and it represents social and political events and ideas. This gives you the freedom to talk about not only some buildings, but about the events that made those buildings true symbols of progress.
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